Three Weeks Today!!!

I'm leaving at noon and have a layover at LAX. This will be my first time to Los Angeles and I wish I had more time to check it out, however I am too thrilled to be going back to Vegas to really care at this point. I'll be arriving in Vegas at 6pm, and am staying for an entire week. Sounds like a long time I know, but it is nothing compared to last year when I was there for three full weeks. We actually have a hidden agenda this time though.
Originally Bill was going to be doing some job-hunting while we were down there, but he has since landed a contract with a company in the US so we are seriously looking to move there. So while in Nevada, we are going to be looking for places to possibly live. Nothing is ever 100% sure, especially in the industry he works in, but that is the plan as of right now.
So besides all that, I am looking so forward to finally meeting all of you. It is one thing building friendships online, but to actually meet and talk face-to-face will be amazing. I still regret not making the event in May/June more than I can say, (plus the Boathouse Bash, G-Vegas, et al), and even though I already know it is going to be too difficult to meet everyone that I want to, I will take what I can get.
I am also looking forward to doing/seeing some of my favorite things in Vegas. At the IP, I love going to the one restaurant which features a champagne brunch / champagne dinner buffet every day. Yes, I realize it is champagne on tap, but who am I to criticize? There is no better way to start the day than with some champagne and orange juice, IMHO. During my downtime or in between things at the IP, I can often be found in the lounge off the sports book or the lounges on the casino floor. We generally sit at the bar, throw $10 in the video poker machines, and drink for free for hours on end.
That all said, I don't know how much time we will actually spend at the Imperial Palace, since I do want to hit up the other casinos for some rounds of poker. I was looking at the list I made this past February of things I wanted to do while in Vegas, and most of it never happened. I'm really trying to not schedule much this time, but there are certain things that I absolutely have to accomplish. These include:
1.) Play a live game of poker with Pauly. I have definitely played more poker with him online than with anyone else in the past year, but never live.
2.) Be inducted into the ACHE, officially, and hear Al and Big Mike sing the song they made up for me, 'Joannada' live. (Yes, it is to the tune of 'Oh, Canada')
3.) Meet my Card Squad partners in crime for the first time
4.) Meet all the women bloggers including the April Twins, Eva, Heather, Gracie, Maudie, Jaxia, Felicia, Shelley, (and anyone I may have missed - sorry - working off the top of my head here), plus all the guys, but there are just too damn many of you to list individually.
5.) Have a real shot with everyone, rather than a dial-a-shot or an IM-a-shot or a I-am-stuck-in-Calgary-while-you-are-all-somewhere-else-together-shot.
6.) Play in my first live WPBT event
List to be continued over the next three weeks. Just. Cant. Wait.
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